Attention Entrepreneurs:
Attention Entrepreneurs, craftsmen, and craftswomen, designers, interior decorators visionaries, anyone business-minded. We are interested in selling in large quantities.

Fur closeouts – Unclaimed furs – Clearance & pre-owned furs – Genuine mink, fox, sables, and, other fine furs
The fur industry stand alone, holding the distinction of having elevated and improved humanity throughout history.
From the dawn of civilization, the fur trading industry played a major role in the development of trade and commerce itself. It allowed people to inhabit colder climates and develop dexterity and craftsmanship.
These new abilities created the conditions for mankind to grow in every other advancement.
Fast forward; The United States owes having become the economic and technological giant it is today, to the fur industry.
Making use of your fur is actually the most environmentally friendly fabric available.
The manufacturing of new “Fast fashion” fabrics are anything but eco-friendly.* Please refer to the following link below. The article is entitled “Fast Fashion Is the Second Dirtiest Industry in the World, Next to Big Oil”t eco-friendly.* Please refer to the following link below. The article is entitled “Fast Fashion Is the Second Dirtiest Industry in the World, Next to Big Oil”
4th Generation Furriers From the Historic New York Wholesale Fur Fashion District
Convenient, efficient and affordable furs
“Fashion Makes the World New”
No industries known to mankind comes close to having the rich productive history of developing international commerce, technology, and the art of fashion, as the fur industry. The United States owes much of it’s growth and prosperity to the fur trade. New York City became known as the fashion capital of the world because of the fur trade.
Imagine a world where fashions trends, and idea’s never changed. Mankind would probably still be in the stone age. It is the emerging and ever changing world of fashion that directs our footsteps, determines the strength of economies and brings newness to the world !
“Fashion Makes the World New” Paul Einbinder
What exactly have we learned from their consept of correctness regarding the wearing of furs ?
There is nothing accurate, noble, scientific, or factual that the animal rights activists have actually taught the world.
Moreover, animal rights organizations have done nothing to help animals. The money they collect is mostly used to spread more misinformation throughout the world, which to some degree has taken the focus away from the real issues regarding environmental damage which threatens both animals and humans. Habitat loss remains the largest problem regarding extinction. They inadvertently promote industrial pollutants by asking people not to buy any winter wear made from natural animal products. Goose and duck down coats also involve the killing of the animal, wool products are wrong according to animal rights because of the stress of shearing the animal.
The only products they endorse for warmth are petroleum based non-biodegradable fabrics. The paper and pamphlets they mail and distribute causes water pollution, since the paper and pulp industry is the 3rd largest contributor to water pollution.
When you subscribe to the notion that animals have rights like humans or are equal to humans you are adopting a very atheistic, anti-civil, and distorted narrative. The natural sustainable resource that animals and animal byproducts such as fur, has been provided to mankind including, nutrition has been invaluable to the development of civilization. Throughout history fur has allowed humans to live in otherwise inhospitable climates.
Unbelievable advancements have been made in all categories. The use of oils, feathers, chemicals. The life saving developement of many drugs from animals, such as insulin can not be denied.
Interesting to note with all the discoveries in technology and science, to date nothing is as efficient in keeping people warm as nature. Natural fur and natural goose or duck down have remained the choice to battle the cold for thousands of years and are still are unbeatable.
Besides this, I can’t think of one good thing that has come from the animal rights perspective, other than enriching these organizations.
We are introducing a new line of fur trims selected from our re-purposed inventory for 2021 and fur remnants for designers and creative designers and the craft savvy. Stay tuned for really cool practical inexpensive one of a kind pieces with sparkling semi-precious bling. Custom design it yourself your ideas our know how…..
Re-purposed fur Un-utilized fur represents an amazing,
untapped, *Environmentally benevolent*
*The science behind this claim is made obvious by the slogan:
Reduce – Reuse – Recycle
Making use of un-used fur as a resource, is actually the most environmentally friendly fabric available. Our designers can work directly with you to custom re-design or re-size anything using your material, ours or any combination of the two. Call 212 268-0820
Make no mistake about it, humans are beyond any comparison to all other living things. Although (God) created humans with many physical similarities, particularly to mammals, we cannot assume equivalence. Yes, both have many physical likeness but that is where any likeness ends.
Because of the visual resemblance, there may be a tendency for some to consider animals on a similar level with humans. The Torah (Old Testament) distinctly directs us not to get caught up by this dangerous misconception. This way of thinking can lead people on a very dangerous mindset. Of course animals are a valuable, beloved, and useful part of our lives, but we must not be seduced to believing that animals are more than they are.
By adopting the idea that animals have “rights” we are opening a discussion that is totally hypocritical and invalidates it’s own point, right from the start. On one hand by saying animals have rights like us, we are minimizing ourselves in our own eyes and any importance of humans having rights. On the other hand by using the same argument, we are over estimating ourselves. Equally important, when we assert that we know what constitutes a quality life for an animal we are taking God, Who created everything, out of the equation.
The idea of trying to equate animals to humans must be, in my humble opinion, an egregious insult to the Creator, in addition it is a rejection of the the gift of the intellect given to Man and also even a form of idol worship.
Humans are the only living beings endowed with a mission. At the onset of the creation of Mankind, Hashem clearly states his role with respect to the animal kingdom. “And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heaven and over the animals and over all the earth and over all the creeping things that creep upon the earth.” Geneses 1, 26Humans are the only living beings endowed with a mission. At the onset of the creation of Mankind, Hashem clearly states his role with respect to the animal kingdom. “And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heaven and over the animals and over all the earth and over all the creeping things that creep upon the earth.” Geneses 1, 26
Unlike humans, animal have no purpose other than following their desires for survival. Their behavior is similar to a computer. It is determined by how the operating system has been “programmed”. As proof, just watch animals in their natural environment; A spider must build a web, similarly a beaver must build a dam, a bird builds a nest, and salmon swim upstream to spawn. Animals just do as they are programmed. Yes with the human intervention of a reward and punishment system, some animals can be trained, but that too is limited and actually just another form of programming with human intervention.
Human beings have been given the most beautiful combination of Godly qualities. For example the ability to ability to question and reason, to rationalize, to learn and grow. The characteristic to be creative for the sake of expression. People can self improve and beautify their environment, they can go against their physical / animal drives when it is determined for the greater good. Above all, like the Ultimate Giver, God, humans have been given the unselfish ability to give. Just for the sake of giving. Read the entire article