4th Generation Furriers From the Historic New York Wholesale Fur Fashion District
Online Fur Shop at Liquidation Prices

All Fine Fur Services
4th Generation Furriers
Convenient, efficient and affordable furs
“Fashion Makes the World New”

An unparalleled history
History of Fur: The Earliest Forms of Trade Technology & Art

The fur trade was the catalyst that developed civilizations !
No industries known to mankind comes close to having the rich productive history of developing international commerce, technology, and the art of fashion, as the fur industry. The United States owes much of it’s growth and prosperity to the fur trade. New York City became known as the fashion capital of the world because of the fur trade.

“Fashion Makes the World New”
Imagine a world where fashions trends, and idea’s never changed. Mankind would probably still be in the stone age. It is the emerging and ever changing world of fashion that directs our footsteps, determines the strength of economies and brings newness to the world !
“Fashion Makes the World New” Paul Einbinder